Welcome to the Ronny Jason Lee Personal Website and Bio

I used to use this website for my real estate business but converted it to a personal site in 2007. My name is Ronny Jason Lee (Ron Lee) and I have been an Oregon real estate agent licensee and Realtor since 1999. I am still licensed in Oregon USA but over the past 14 years I have gone back to complete my studies and ended up changing careers launching a few successful online and offline businesses.
I continue to be inactive in real estate as far as servicing others, as I focus on my own portfolio of rental properties and my digital media marketing businesses.
While back in college, I first completed a Social Sciences undergraduate degree and then an MBA (Master of Business Administration degree from Webster University).

I spent nearly 10 years in all living in Thailand from 2011-2021 the first four completing my M.B.A. Just after completing my studies, I was married for 6 of those + 1 after having moved back stateside (from 2015-2022).
When he was just over 1-year old, in 2015 as well, my stepson was suddenly diagnosed with extremely aggressive (blood cancer) Leukemia.
Naturally, he became much of my focus. In the years that followed Lucas beat high-risk Pre-B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. During his 3 years of treatment though he had extraordinary struggles with drug allergies and infections.
Here is a quote I feel like some of you can relate to.
“While we try to teach our children all about life, Our children teach us what life is all about.” –Angela Schwindt
In 2021, I relocated stateside with my then-wife and son so that they would have the best opportunities and in hopes of resuscitating my struggling marriage. I was able to purchase an acreage property with hopes to eventually build a replacement home overlooking the beautiful pacific northwest mountains. This has been a fun project and place to show my son some of the neat experiences I had as a kid such as raising baby ducks and chickens as well as gardening and building out a greenhouse and grandmother’s cottage so that my mom can stay nearby.
In 2022, I finally had the long-anticipated privilege of adopting my stepson.
Shortly after I made the tough decision to move on from the troubled marriage.
My focus is now on raising my son, personal weight loss / healthier living, and continuing to build my property business.
Life is full of twists and turns, some we’d never expect, but it’s a great life that’s been full of challenges. Likewise, the road has given me a massive appreciation of the here and now.
If you need to reach me email me at RonnyJasonLee@gmail.com
Ron Lee
Ronny Jason Lee Education:
H.S. – McKay High School Salem, Oregon
B.S. (Social Sciences) Portland State University – Portland, Oregon
While at Portland State University Ronny Jason Lee, ran for student body president.
While at Portland State University, Ronny Jason Lee ran for and was elected by his peers to serve their interests on the Student Fee Committee. The student fee committee is a body of elected students that ultimately are responsible for making budgeting recommendations to the president of the University with respect to tens of millions of dollars in student fee budget allocations. These allocations help to determine the following year’s student fees and help set a sustainable course which ultimately impacts the overall costs of completing your education at this university. Ronny Jason Lee pushed for rigid standards in what were acceptable uses for students’ fees and for more overall accountability of all student groups who were receiving student fees. As a result of his fiscally conservative positions, he was a chosen subject matter for student publication articles while completing his undergraduate studies. He also served on the speaker’s board which has the responsibility to evaluate and approve applications for funds to bring in outside speakers. This is also a shared cost to all students that impacts the overall costs for students to attend Portland State University, the largest public university in Oregon.
M.B.A. (Masters of Business Administration) Webster University – St. Louis, Missouri
Ronny Jason Lee also studied abroad in S.E. Asia for nearly two years in order to enhance his experience working and studying in a more multicultural setting. This also afforded him the opportunity to experience what it was like living in a modern collectivist culture.
While at Webster University Ronny Jason Lee did flood relief work in Thailand during the 2011 Thailand floods.
- In addition to the volunteering he did while completing his Masters’s Degree, Ronny Jason Lee also volunteered to act as an Ambassador for the university to act as a student representative at various educational opportunity trade shows.
Ronny Jason Lee Charity Work:
Ronny Jason Lee has participated in numerous charity organization events and fundraisers over the past 10+ years. These include operating as the organizer of a food drive, participating in numerous charity golf tournaments, and making numerous direct donations that raised money for entities that benefit public servants and disadvantaged youth in both the Portland and Salem, Oregon areas.
Most recently through his direct donations include:
- Friends of the Children in Portland – http://friendspdx.org/
Ronny Jason Lee Travel:
Ronny Jason Lee has traveled to, lived in, or studied in the following countries plus a number of others:
- Canada
- Japan
- Thailand
- Vietnam
- Italy
- Romania
- Mexico
- France
- Netherlands
- England
- Czech Republic
- Belgium
- Switzerland
- Cambodia
- Laos
- Sri Lanka
- India
5 completely random books I can suggest: (not in any sort of order)
Utilitarianism by John Stuart Mill
The Myth of Mental Illness: Foundations of a Theory of Personal Conduct
Mass Media in a Mass Society
The Psychology of Stereotyping
Questioning Identity: Gender, Class, Ethnicity
*These are all famous books, therefore, I have left off author names. Do a search engine query and they will also be the first matches listing all credits.
Ronny Jason Lee Hobbies:
Digital Media Marketing / Search Marketing / Content Strategies
Watching Documentary Films
Photography…and of course, travel!
- Vintage Toy Collecting
Ronny Jason Lee Inspirations:
Mother, Older brother, Late Grandmother; Rosetta Spain and Step Son Lucas
Experiences that help me learn more about the world
Ronny Jason Lee Favorite quote:
‘Ethics is the activity of man directed to secure the inner perfection of his own personality.’ -Albert Schweitzer
Ronny Jason Lee Contact Information:
Email: RonnyJasonLee@gmail.com